World History
This course covers the character and evolution of the major civilizations of the world from their beginnings in about 3000 BCE (Before the Christian Era) until about 1600. We will focus primarily on the character and development of individual civilizations with emphasis on their political structures (bureaucratic? consensus? imperialist?), their social organization (importance of the military caste, the commercial groups, role of women, etc.), and their culture (how did the different cultures answer the great fundamental questions of human existence?). We will also address questions raised by the rise and decline of civilizations, and look at their impact upon one another. We must keep in mind the role of these ancient peoples in contemporary events, and investigate how a knowledge of their history helps us understand their present character. Due to time limitations, we will not be able to include every culture in our story. We will consider the West, China, India, Islam, the Ancient Near East, Africa and Japan.
European History
The study of European history since 1450 introduces cultural, economic, political and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world we live. Without this knowledge, we would lack the context for understanding the development of contemporary institutions, the role of continuity and change in present day society and politics, and the evolution of current forms of artistic expression and intellectual discourse. In addition to providing a basic narrative of events and movements, the goals of the European History are to develop (a) an understanding of some of the principal themes in modern European History, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence and historical interpretation, and (c) an ability to express historical understanding in writing.
US History
United States History is a full year course focusing on the social, political, economic and cultural development of the United States from the pre-Columbus era to the present. United States History helps us to understand and appreciate not only our origins and who we are, but our values as well. It also helps us to determine where we want to go as a country. An understanding of American History is essential to the life of each American. The more informed the citizen, the more care that citizen is likely to give to the prolonged future of the United States. This course encompasses the development of our American heritage and institutions through the study of major events, concepts, eras, and personalities that have shaped our country. Through the study of historical developments, students should gain an understanding of the lessons of the past and a perspective of the relationship between the past and contemporary issues. Opportunities are provided for students to develop a sense of pride for their country, flag, and heritage. The course will promote a feeling of patriotism through an understanding of the economic, political, and social structure of one’s own country.
This course is an introduction to American political institutions and behavior. The course is made up of three primary components. First, we will discuss the American Constitution and political culture. Second, we will focus on parties, interest groups, campaigns and elections at the national level. In this section we will devote attention to which citizens participate in politics and how they make political choices. Finally, we will cover the institutions of American national governance including the Congress, Presidency, judiciary, and bureaucracy. Students will be exposed to analytical and empirical tools that political scientists utilize in the study of politics.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Understand how the American government was created
Explain the complex relationship between Federal and State
Discuss the role of public policy and how it influence Americans
The role the Supreme Court has in defining America
How the media is used by political parties
Why it’s important to participate in government